Are you in the right aircraft?

Tell me about your business. About what motivated you to start it. Fire me up. Be sure you are excited. Because you are going to have to excite others with it too. So, start by exciting me.

Chances are, if you’re reading this book, you have a pretty good idea of what your business is. Some of you may already be up and selling. Some of you may not. Deciding what to sell is, in some ways, the hardest part. So many things have been done, you might say. There are so few ideas left. Those worries could have been written at any time in history, and they would be just as untrue now as they were then. The level of invention, in the UK alone, has probably never been higher. With the internet, this is ever truer. There are ALWAYS new products or services to be created, or new ways out there to alter existing products or deliver existing services in new ways. We live in exciting times. Perhaps some of the most exciting times in business. Ever.

Remember this too: your product or service is NOT the only one in the world. You may find yourself held in a vice-like grip by your excitement about it, just as we are when we fall in love. Your passion and enthusiasm can drive you beyond common sense. This is where it helps to have alongside you an advisor, or ‘critical friend’, to put you back in your box, on occasions. Watch some back episodes of Dragon’s Den to remind you why this is so important.

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Being a Leader


Evolving into an Entrepreneur