Current Publications
Ed Wood has written three books – so far - Lift Off!, Plague of Madness & From Acorns.
Lift Off! is a guide to help small to medium sized businesses. Plague of Madness is Ed’s personal view of the horrors created by the handling of Coronavirus in 2020/2021 and From Acorns is Ed’s autobiography (now in its second edition).
While, at first look, appearing very different, there is a strong connection between all three books.
Lift Off! is the telling of Ed’s business life: almost fifty years as a Chartered Accountant & Entrepreneur living in the world of SMEs. Plague of Madness is a cry of horror at what is happening in Britain, having just freed itself from the cloying bureaucracy of Europe. From Acorns is an account of Ed’s personal life.
All three books are stories from the heart, told with the intention of helping other people make more sense of their lives.
Coming Soon…
A Year In Andalucia
Ed and Katha Wood took off to move to Andalucia, at the end of November 2020, in the heart of another Covid lockdown and on the eve of Brexit.
Would the timing be auspicious? It seemed so to them. The girls were growing up. Perhaps a now-or-never moment?
They already knew and loved that part of Spain, having bought and refurbished a glorious, but run down, Cortijo, just outside Ronda, in the early 2000s and had to sell it, during the credit crunch, towards the end of that decade. It left a big void.
Off they set, the car filled to the gunwales with everything, including four terriers and Jemima - for whom space was made at the last minute. The removers followed. A lorry full of horses soon after that.
It was to be the start of a wonderful journey.
The Jim Grant Series
Colonel Jim Grant is retired and living in Italy, his glittering career in the SAS brought to an abrupt and undeserved end, far too early. A series of unfortunate circumstances combined to remove him from the soldier’s world of which he was the life and soul.
His home is now in Florence. A new base. A new relationship. And, an extensive black book.
Italian life passes quietly until The Pilot comes along.