Runway Publishing
Runway Publishing is home to Ed Wood: Critical Friend, Trusted Advisor & Founder of Runway Advisors…..and Author.
Ed is passionate about self publishing. He has written - and is in the course of publishing - his third book on Amazon. And there are several more books in the pipeline – both Ed’s own, and those of other authors.
Why would you not choose to publish yourself on Amazon? An entirely respectable route nowadays, which has its own best sellers.
Choose your own Genre and subject? Title? Cover? Content? Length? Editor? Timing? Marketing? Royalties? Without being bossed about by some publisher for whom you would be a small fish.
Talk to us – ask us how. You won’t regret it.
The Books
Ed Wood has written three books – so far.
From Acorns, Lift Off! & Plague of Madness.
From Acorns is Ed’s autobiography. Lift Off! is a guide to help small to medium sized businesses. And, Plague of Madness is Ed’s personal view of the horrors created by Coronavirus in 2020/2021.
While, at first look, appearing very different, there is a strong connection between all three.
From Acorns (now in its second edition) is an account of Ed’s personal life. Lift Off! is the telling of Ed’s business life: almost fifty years as a Chartered Accountant & Entrepreneur living in the world of SMEs. Plague of Madness is a cry of horror at what is happening in Britain, having just freed itself from the cloying bureaucracy of Europe.
All three books are stories from the heart, told with the intention of helping other people make more sense of their lives.